The IEEE Student branch was initiated in 1995-96

In June 2003, global IEEE allotted us STB28191 code.

It was initiated by the team of academicians Dr. Raghavendra V. Kulkarni, Mr. Hemant Kamat of Shalaka Enterprises, Pune (then   professor at EC GIT), Dr. D. H. Rao, Dr. Baliga

IEEE Student branch is the first professional student chapter of KLS's GIT.

It has been active since 1995-96.

Dr. D H Rao was the first Branch Counselor from 2003-2009

Followed by the membership of Dr.Santosh Saraf, Prof. Vineeta Gejji and Dr. Veena Desai.

Second branch counselor – Dr Vineeta Gejji 2009-2019.

Current branch counselor: Prof. Abhishek Deshmukh.


One of the oldest student branches of North Karnataka region with an history of over two decades.

Branch WIE affinity group was selected under STAR program in the year 2014 and was supported with funds of $300.00 for its activities and contribution to IEEE WIE..

For the year 2015-2016 Vardhana Kulkarni and Pranali Shinde from KLS GIT were selected as representatives for North Karnataka region.

Student Branch got seed amount in 2015-16 for IEEE Star program.

Three of our professors Dr. D.V.Kulkarni, Dr. V P Gejji and Prof. N.F.Deshpande were elected as senior members of IEEE.


Student Branch will eye for achieving best Branch; best BC; best Branch Website etc. awards at Section and Region level.

The Branch will keep an objective of hosting All India Students Congress; WIE National Summit in the next 5 years.

The Branch will collaborate with industries nearby and file online petition for starting a Technical Society or Chapter and organize ONE International Conference in the future.

The Branch will try to conduct compulsory ONE humanitarian event every year and make it a flagship event to support society and stay with IEEE motto: Advancing technology for humanity.